We have done some pretty cool things since we have moved moved out here! St. Joseph is about an hour away from all the church history sites such as: Adam-ondi-ohmen, liberty jail, far west, and many others! One Sunday afternoon we took a drive out to Adam-ondi-ohmen (hopefully that is how you spell it!) It was really such a special place! We loved it! It's so cool to be living so close to all the church history sites!

We also took a trip down to Kansas City and we got to see the new Kansas City Temple in it's construction phases! It looks a lot like the Oquirrh Mountain Temple!

The funniest thing about that trip was when we realized that the Church of Christ Temple had DISH NETWORK!! We all had a pretty good laugh at that!
I think our conversation went something like this... (Walking out of the Visitors Center) OH MY GOSH!!!!! - Everyone what!!!! THEY DISH NETWORK! It was probably one of those situations where you would have to have been there to grasp the full hilariousness of it - but trust me! It was funny!
We went and saw this:

in Omaha! Oh my goodness! It was amazing! We went with two of our friends Jake and Phil! We ALL went and sold (emphasis on the all...YES I went and knocked doors!) and then drove down to Omaha Nebraska! We got there right before the show started, and we had to run a mile, I was in flip flops- uphill to make it on time! They almost shut the doors on us - but we hustled there! It was defidently a cool experience! After Wicked we ate some really awesome burritos at a stand that was outside the theatre! Yummy!!!
One of my favorite things about Missouri is their sunsets! We have the most beautiful sunsets here! There are no mountains... Just hills so it makes for an incredible sight! You can watch the sun set all the way down! Ahh... I love it!
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